What should you do if you want to succeed in life? Pay attention to your education.
Yes, attending school is important but I’m talking about your own investment in your education. So, how should you go about this?
There are three simple, but powerful things you can begin to do day by day to prepare for success this year, and throughout life. They are: Read, Write, Speak.
1. Read
Read widely; read or at least try to read boring books (hint: a book on melting polar caps). You will begin to learn, know, and understand the world better and better.
2. Write
Write about what you read, hear, or watch; about daily life or some other experience. And do it regularly. Writing will help you verify if you really know or understand something.
It will also help to shape your thinking because you’ll get to examine your thoughts clearly and see if they can get better. (Hint: They can)
3. Speak
Ask questions. Forget about looking stupid. Speak up in a meeting or in the classroom. You will begin to grow confident in your communication and people skills.
Hey, not everyone is a natural talker but the most important things/events in life always require that you be able to speak and communicate well. Think interview, meetings, family, business negotiations, and so on.
And there you have it. The three simple, yet powerful things: Read, Write, and Speak.
As you understand the world better, improve your communication skills, and develop your thinking through writing, you’ll find a confidence growing within you.
And I can assure you, opportunities to fulfill your dream and succeed in life will begin to show up one after the other as you progress in life.
Image credit: pikisuperstar – www.freepik.com